Authors are invited to submit their full papers by Septemebr 30, Manuscripts submitted for the conference must be original, must not be previously published or currently under review anywhere. Submitted manuscripts should respect the standard guidelines of the Springer proceeding chapter format. Manuscripts must be prepared using Latex, or Word. The submitted paper must be formatted according to Springer Format: MS Word TemplateLatex Template

The paper should contain between 8-12 pages. Contributions MUST be in English. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least 2/3 program committee members. Prospective authors should send their manuscripts electronically through the easychair submission system as mentioned below:

Online Presentations:

Official conference language is English. All submissions and presentations will be in English. Authors who are interested to present their papers in CCSET2024 but could not attend the conference, they can present their works by a Virtual Presentation.

Best Paper awards:

The overall Best Paper and Best Student Paper Awards will be given and recognized during the conference.

Similarity, plagiarism and self-plagiarism:

Since CCSET2022 will be submitted to Springer which policy requires all Springer content to be screened for possible plagiarism. All submitted papers to CCSET2024 will be checked and scanned using Turnitin, before being sent to reviewers. Note that to be submitted to Springer, the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 25 percent, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 10 percent. The score and report are provided to assist you in revising your manuscript, if necessary. The conference will not be able to provide you a score or a report for the revised manuscript.


Track 1: Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

  • Access control and authorization
  • Attacks and defenses
  • Authentication
  • Information Systems Security
  • Cyber Security and Malware
  • Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics
  • Digital Forensics
  • Blockchain for cybersecurity
  • Cloud security
  • Cyber physical systems security
  • Hardware security
  • Intrusion detection and prevention
  • Malware and unwanted software
  • Mobile and Web security and privacy
  • Web security

Track 2: Smart Emerging Technologies

  • Network Technologies & Wireless Communications
  • 5G Mobile Systems
  • Mobile Technologies
  • Next generation Internet
  • Cloud Computing and applications
  • Cloud Computing platforms
  • Internet of Things and platforms
  • Enhancing security and privacy in IoT
  • Internet of vehicle (IoV)
  • Smart Sensor Networks
  • Smart Cities
  • Cyber Physical Systems
  • Blockchain