Online Presentations:

The official conference language is English. All submissions and presentations will be in English. Authors who are interested to present their papers in CCSET2024 but could not attend the conference can present their works via a Virtual Presentation.

Best Paper awards:

The overall Best Paper and Best Student Paper Awards will be given and recognized during the conference.

Similarity, plagiarism, and self-plagiarism:

Since CCSET2024 will be submitted to Springer which policy requires all Springer content to be screened for possible plagiarism. All submitted papers to CCSET2024 will be checked and scanned using Turnitin or iThenticate, before being sent to reviewers. Note that to be submitted to Springer, the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 20 percent, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 10 percent. The score and report are provided to assist you in revising your manuscript, if necessary. The conference will not be able to provide you a score or a report for the revised manuscript.


Track 1: Cybersecurity and Cybercrime

  • Cryptographic mechanisms for secure critical infrastructures
  • Attacks and defenses
  • Digital Forensics
  • Blockchain for cybersecurity
  • Cloud Security
  • Cyber-physical systems security
  • Hardware security
  • Risks, security, and reliability of critical infrastructure systems
  • Critical Infrastructures Cybersecurity and Resilience
  • Web application security
  • Social cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity operations

Track 2: Smart Emerging Technologies

  • 5G/6G Edge/fog computing enabled Internet of Things
  • Digital twin technology
  • 5G/6G Communications
  • Cloud Computing and applications
  • Data science for UAV-assisted IoT systems
  • Innovation in Machine Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures
  • Smart Cities
  • Artificial Intelligence for smart emerging technologies
  • Signal and Information Processing for Critical Infrastructures
  • Cybersecurity in medical devices
  • Security in medical imaging
  • Blockchain technology in healthcare
  • Data protection in biomedical research
  • Security and ethics in human enhancement technologies
  • Securing wireless medical sensor networks
  • Security considerations for telemedicine
  • Biometric security
  • Privacy and security concerns with electronic health records

Track 3: Social Cybersecurity with NLP and Deep Machine Learning

  • Cyber-Grooming using NLP
  • Advances of NLP for safer and secure cyberspace
  • Cyber Risk and Compliance with NLP
  • Fake profiles, Honey accounts and unlawful accounts on social media
  • Advances of deep machine learning for cybersecurity
  • Controlling cybersecurity and prediction of cybercrimes with NLP and Deep Machine Learning